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How Can a Lawyer Help Resolve Workplace Discrimination Issues?

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Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination is likely more common than most of us would like to think. Though there are severe consequences for those found guilty of it, it seems still more common than expected.

Examples of workplace discrimination include the following;

Disability discrimination can occur when an employee with a disability receives less pay than their co-workers, experiences an unsafe work environment, or is otherwise treated differently than coworkers without a disability.

Racial discrimination can occur when a person of a specific race either receives less pay, is denied bonuses or raises, is given an unappealing schedule or project load vs. employees of another race, and more.

Sex or gender discrimination can occur if females vs. males are treated differently, through less pay, worse or more hours or workload, denied promotions, being fired, and more.

Age discrimination can occur in the workplace when an employee over 40 is fired, denied bonuses or promotions, or other ways to move up in the company.

How To Prove Workplace Discrimination

If you suspect that you are being unfairly discriminated against, there are a few steps that you can take immediately to protect yourself.

Document every aspect of the suspected discrimination. Be specific about communication that you have had, actions you have observed, and more. Keep a journal regarding issues that you have encountered, and keep emails, texts, or other communication that may be considered discriminatory.

Were inappropriate comments made regarding you by your boss or upper management? Write down in your journal what occurred while it’s still fresh in your memory, and include details such as who was around to hear the discriminatory language, their reactions, and more.

Carefully examine and document how you were specifically treated differently to establish what forms of discrimination may occur. For example, if another employee is offered a bonus or promotion and you are equally as qualified for the position, note whether or not they were of a different race, age, or gender.

Contact your business attorney immediately. They can assist you in knowing what to look for, offer guidance as to what other documentation you can gather, and more.

Discrimination Laws

Everyone is protected through several levels regarding discrimination. The Florida Commission on Human Relations site allows you to file a discrimination complaint. Their site includes verbiage stating, “It is against the law to discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, or marital status.” You can file a complaint directly from their site.

On the federal level, several laws in place protect us against discrimination.

Perhaps one of the most known is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Protections include discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 helps enforce that all employees, regardless of gender, are to be paid equally.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 makes it illegal to discriminate against those with disabilities, including requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities.

How Can a Business Attorney Help Me?

Business attorneys are well-versed in laws protecting employees from discrimination. They are familiar with discriminatory actions and can help you determine what to look for or help you clearly define whether actions against you are discriminatory.

Once the discrimination is identified, they can assist you in filing the necessary documents to make your complaint. If the discrimination is against state and federal laws, they can ensure that you have the appropriate documents in place for both levels and comply with any deadlines that must occur.

Business Attorneys Are Invaluable to Discrimination Cases

Assertive communication – an experienced attorney will offer a different voice using the years of experience negotiating or litigating for their clients than you may be used to. Employers may use intimidation or harassing behavior as a way to silence you or discriminate against you. Your business attorney will have an arsenal of ways to communicate with anyone exhibiting this behavior and ensure it stops.

Your business attorney can help analyze the case and determine whether it is worth pursuing now or if you will need more sufficient evidence in the future to ensure a strong case. For example, you may be in the beginning stages of observing discriminatory behavior. If you continue to document, you may gather more evidence and, with your attorney’s help, can ensure that the compensation you may be eligible for far outweighs the costs of going to trial.

Justice – no one should ever settle for discrimination in the workplace or anywhere else. If you are experiencing this behavior, you have the right to stand up for yourself, rely on your experienced attorney to fiercely advocate for you, and get the justice you deserve.

Never Settle for Discrimination of Any Kind

If you are experiencing discrimination in the workplace, it’s imperative that you seek the help of a trusted and experienced attorney immediately. They can help ensure that you have a strong case, offer guidance on what information to gather, and offer you significant stress relief and peace of mind, knowing you are taking control of the situation and doing something about this unimaginable behavior.

With decades of experience, we work with our clients to ensure they are protected and supported in all aspects of business.

Contact our office today at 850-888-8992 or reach out to us online to schedule a consultation and learn more about the next steps. We are fluent in English and Spanish and offer in-depth consultation with potential clients to ensure their voices are heard, and we can address all of their concerns.

Never settle for discrimination of any kind. We look forward to serving you.

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